Doubting God And His Word

This chapter from the classic “Steps To Christ”, by Ellen White, has some wonderful insights on how to overcome doubt and to have a more effective relationship with God. May this gem impress you to not give up when you come across things you don’t understand in the Holy Word.

Chapter 12: What To Do With Doubt



Tips On How To Make The Bible More Meaningful

Are you discouraged because your bible reading plan for this year isn’t working out for you? Have you stopped reading the Bible because you’ve ran into verses that you don’t understand? Do you long to be acquainted with this precious Book but you don’t know where to start? The video below has some tips that can help you have a better understanding of the Bible, and also help you make it a part of your daily life. May you experience a “closer walk” with Jesus in your devotional time.

“As The Deer”, Maranatha Singers

How do we truly long after God like the deer that “panteth for the waters”? The answer is by opening up the Holy Word. Before you read or study your Bible, make this song your heartfelt prayer. Your experience in the Truths of the Holy Word will then go from head knowledge to heart knowledge. Plus, you will see that only God can satisfy your thirsty soul.